
Erika - 2002-06-19 08:23:46
Oh darling. To say that people would drop you just because you are "not depressed and on the verge of suicide lately..." is absolute crap. your diary is therapy for you, and you needn't lose sight of that. I have read your whole diary, front to back, and I cannot believe that you are still with HIM. No one deserves to be with someone like that. I was once with someone like that, and I UNDERSTAND, cause I used to cut myself also. OF course, the shrink just told my mother to put me on anti-depressants, and it worked. I have this overwhelming desire to try to reach out, to help you, to open your eyes to what is going on with your life, but I cannot help to save the world, and I feel that my breath would be wasted in trying to help you. Just know, that I pray for you everyday, and that I hope, that one day, you get the courage to leave that jerk, NO ONE, Danie, NO ONE deserves the shit you go through, and trust me, you would feel so much better, if you just became YOU again, and not Trevor's Girl. Kick his ass to the curb, it'll be the first step of many to becoming healthy and happy again. Trust me, I know, and I am 100% better with out my "trevor". Danie, I feel for you, and I am happy for your thirty-two days and counting. I want to be a support group for you, if the need be, just look me up on aim, cnfssnlgirl, or email me. I truly hope one day, you can be you... and that you will be happy and without mental, verbal, and physical abuse.

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