
rebecca - 2002-06-24 03:03:39
"Everyone you meet chips away at your trust, and distroys a bit of your love" ... that can be very true. but so can the opposite. for a very long time everyone i met made me even more untrusting. but once i learned that the rewards of caring are far greater than the detriments of risking pain, i realised that each person you meet can, if you open up your heart in the right way, restore just a little piece of that trust, teach you a little bit how to love. and give a little bit back. oh, i haven't yet found anyone that has single handedly made any vast impact. but just as each little chip eventually destroys all trust, so too does each little good turn restore it. slowly, but restores it nonetheless. and i realise you probably don't care about my stories, but i'm bored *g*
surreal - 2002-06-24 04:06:26
firstly well done...i cant go a day without cutting. secondly, could i ask where did u get one them counter thingys? i'd like 2 set one up...

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