damik's Diaryland Diary


Hate is a life defect

February misanthropic topic:
"Hate is a birth defect." ~Bizzy Bone Now there is a statement I can totally say I disagree with. No one is born hating. It's taught. It would be closer to the truth if you say, "Hate is a life defect."
We are taught to hate. I truly believe we are born colorblind. It doesn't matter who we are or how we look, untill we learn in this society that differences matter. I have tried my life to not subscribe to prejudice, stereotypes, and the lot. And it is hard, especially with the role models I had growing up. My stepfather was the biggest bigot. There wasn't anyone, save himself he didn't hate. He hated women, he hated children, he hated all religion and all ethnicity. The only people he liked were rich, white men. I was raised with that, I heard every derogatory name given. And I hated it, I resented that he had to classify everything and every one. And that they were "bad" for that class.
From him I got a certain dislike for bigots and judgmental people. It pisses me off... I have gone on tirades about bigots. I'll save it for later.
But back to the subject at hand. Hate. Look into a baby's eyes it doesn't hate anyone. But the first time a mother pulls her baby back from some one "different" the baby starts to associate unpleasantness with the person. It's the mother's reaction that's unpleasant not whomever the mother's reacting to. Unfortunately the child cannot discern the difference. And thus the process of learned hatred begins. Add to that derogatory comments, the image the media puts forth, and typical stereotypes, it's no wonder that hate is never ending.

10:51 p.m. - 02-28-02


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