damik's Diaryland Diary


so very sleepy

Its good that I've gone back to work, I had all last week off from Rightway, and I think that kind of contributed to my funk. I got done today, I was achy and tired but got that satisfied I accomplished stuff feeling. Which is good.
I'm having trouble typing. My keyboard took a shit and I'm borrowing Will's until I buy a new one. The keys differ ever so slightly from mine so I'll have to get used to it. Its better then using mine where the "P" is out, and as an element in a few of my passcodes I can't get by with out it.
I taught Will how to play Magic: The Gathering. As I suspected he's realy getting into it. Personally I think its only a matter of time before he starts buying his own cards, though he insists he's just going to keep borrowing mine. Well no, actully he did say he was going to buy his own swamp deck.
As I write this he sits trying to build a deck that will stomp mine, to him I say good luck with that. He beats me I'll just put together a better deck. I rule, and there is no way he'll beat me.
Get the idea that I might be trying to egg him on when he reads my diary? Teeheehee

8:47 p.m. - 07-29-03


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13