damik's Diaryland Diary


The Cali trip summery

Vacation is almost over we will be driving home tomorrow. Will and I have had a great time trapsing around San Bruno and the surrounding area.
I'm happy to note that he is as excited as I am about the area now and we are going to plan on moving here. Hopefully the vacation is the kick in the butt we need to actully get moving on with the plans. Its one thing to talk about it constantly and quite another to actully do anything. Will is going to get his certs and I'm going for my degree, we are hoping to get this done in maybe two three years. Thats the goal anyway.
The first day we were here we spend the day with my Opa went to the San Matao County fair, then on Monday we spend the day with my aunt uncle and their baby, trapsed around the city doing various touristy things. Tuesday Will and I took the day for ourselves I showed him around the Pacifica area where I lived with my dad during the custody battle era. We went back to the city to try and get to the Exploratorioum but arrived just before closing. We ended up taking more pictures and doing the same touristy things over again, though it was fun, I know that I at least didn't feel as rushed as I did with my aunt and uncle. On Wednseday (or how ever you spell that) we drove down to Monteray and checked out the Cannery Row, the beaches, and tide pools. We had fun in this ubercampy wax talkie display thingy. Tried some wine and bought some for ourselves and the friends we got to watch over the cats. We camped that night in New Brighten State Beach, apperently we were lucky to get a campsite they are usually booked according to the rangers. The fire didn't burn and as a pyro I was a bit discouraged. It caused our dinner to cook slowly and I soon found myself in frusteration.
No food, no fire make fire bug very angry.
We woke up early and made for the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot. Unfortunatly I have been very tired this whole vacation and was a bit snapish when it came to getting and giving and regetting directions to the Spot. I was headachy and nausious, you know in my defense.
They Mystery Spot was a hoot. The tour guide we had was funny and the displays were a "Mystery". I would recomend it to anybody. Except the cabin made me more nausious.
Then we went to the Beach Boardwalk. We looked around for a bit, had a bite to eat and went of to try the classic Merry-go-round. If you haven't been there their ride has a ring toss. As you ride by you grab a little steel ring and try to fling it into the clown's mouth. I palmed on my second go round. Will loved the Giant Dipper, as did I (always). Then I made the mistake of going on the Typhoon, the one like the big ship but goes all the way around.
We staggered out to the beach for some fresh air and I took a short nap in Will's lap. After I awoke we walked a little further down the beach. On the way back Will told me that he didn't have a ring yet but would like us to pick one out together and asked me if I would marry him. I said yes, of course, and we further discussed the date and timeline. Though we haven't actully planned said time. I know that eight months is wholy unreasonable, maybe 20 months? I wouldn't want him to feel too rushed. Also want us to have time to get all our affairs in order. Money and the like. I digress.
I got to try my first funnle cake and I must say I liked it. We then drove back to my Opa's.
Today we finally made it to the Exploratorium. They had many of the same exibits I remember from childhood and many new ones. Then my other aunt and uncle took us out to eat and an all you can eat Chinese resturant. Not as good as the one she took me out to last time I was here.
All and all I had a blast.
Now I'm going to take a minut to search the web and see if its appropreate to have an engagement party when no wedding date is set...

8:22 p.m. - 08-20-04


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13