damik's Diaryland Diary


danie and bruce's day of fun

So danie and bruce's day of fun conculded late last night. I would have updated then, but I was just too tired. We started off with a lunch at the mall. Bruce is a big fan of the Chinese food so he go Panda Express, I went for the tried and true Arby's. We sat there for a bit Bruce pointed out some of the cute guys, he's taste and my differ a bit when it comes to cute guys. He likes the dangerous looking guys, and I like the neet, cleanly pressed kinda guys. But whatever, I wasn't at the mall to look at guys, I was there to shop. We went to the music store and bought some traviling music so when we were in the car we had something better then the sapy love songs I have been torturing myself with as of late. He's in to Techno, so that was what he bought, and the Lady Marmalde single. Then on to clothes shopping! I bought the clothes I have always wanted to wear, but didn't think I could pull off. I must say though I did so beautifully! We then took the train back to where our cars were parked and went to the salon for our hair apointment. I got highlites in my hair. More dramatic then I would ever have gone, but I'm a wild and crazy girl. No really I am. Every one assures me it looks great, but I'm still worried. Whatever, I shouldn't doubt myself so much. We stoped at his house to change then went to the Mc Donalds where he works for dinner. It had gotten pretty late. Then I wanted to stop at my apt. to brush my teeth and other such grooming things before we got to the club. I didn't think it would have been a big deal, we still had an hour or so to kill before the clubs even thought about opening.

So I go home do my grooming thing and such. Talk to Trevor for a bit because I acdentlly woke him up. When I left, I knew he was kinda bummed, but I honestly didn't know how upsett he really was. He was mad because I always make myself look good when I go out with Bruce, and he was mad because I didn't invite him along. I do feel guilty for not inviting him, but I wanted to go out, have fun, and dance the night away. I didn't want to go out there, maybe dance a few dances then be benched to the sidelines, or worse pressured to go home. I know its not the kinda thing that Trevor goes for. He wouldn't have enjoyed him self. But when I told him this he wouldn't believe me. He said I was lying, he called me all sorts of mean things made hurtfull acusations drove me nuts. I went back to the apt. to try to talk things out with him, he was calling and hanging up over and over, that helped the situation som I think.

So, I went to the club. I have to admit that I was a little dismayed when we got there. Dispite fighting with Trevor for sometime, we were still real early. Bruce didn't want to be the first in the club, so we sat in the car for a while. Then when he dicided that it was safe to venture forth the entrance that he was used to going in appered to be closed. So he didn't really know where to go. We played rock paper sicsors to see who would go ask someone. I won, I always win in that game, but he refused to go ask. The wuss. Finally I asked the parking guy I had spoken to earlier and he pointed me in the right direction. We got in to the club and no one was dancing. I was so disapointed. So Bruce and I were the first on the floor. He had bought himself some glow sticks to dance with. At first I thought it was neet, but then when other dancers arrived with their glow sticks I saw that maybe Bruce needed some more pratice.

One thing that took me a while to get used to is that people weren't really dancing with each other, they were just dancing. I had a blast though, if I didn't work weekends, I would go again. So I would have to say that bruce and danie's day of fun was a success, if only I hadn't have fought with Trevor. Oh, well.

11:50 a.m. - 07-08-2001


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13