damik's Diaryland Diary


So fucking Hot in this hell hole

Its horriablly hot in here. Why do I have a nack for finding places who's cooling system doesn't work.
I now have to combat the overheating grouchies. Its a royal pain in the ass.
We spent too much at the begining of the payperiod and now are a bit tight come the end of it. Its OK though in a little over a month we will be feeling the relief of being free and clear. About $700 a payperiod worth.
We went to Phantom last Sunday. It would have been more enjoyable had we been able to afford better seats. We were in the directors box. That in its self would have been fine had the box not attracted the rudest people. We were sitting in our assigned seats and this woman started having kittens that she was supposed to have the first five seats together. Her tickets didn't reflect that, but she felt justified in throwing a fit anyhow. When we bought our tickets the agent made us confirm that we were accepting tickets for the seats we were told we were going to get. If it was so important to her to have five seats together, I suppose she should have looked closer to her tickets when she signed off on them.
She shut up in due time and moved her group to the back where they could sit together. Causing some aggravating shuffeling at the start of the show when other patrons showed up to clame their seats. Unfortunatly none of that was as annoying as the gentelman who showed up late for the show and decided to sing along to some of his more favorite numbers. It seemed when he didn't know the words he was content making commentary about the production itself. Then when no comments were readily available he occupied himself with humming along. I was just time away from killing him.
Cheerfully slit his throat comes to mind.
A good show otherwise, but I liked Les Mis better.
I fought with my mother the day before Independance Day. Later that week she called to work it out, or something I'm not real sure, and we ended up fighting again.
It was all about Will and the way she treats him. I believe she is treating him badly, she says she believes she is treating him just as she treats everyone else she is close to.
I searched the last year and some for anything I've said about the issue, but I seem to have avoided it except one entry. Quote: "I can't figure out just how to say what I mean, the closest I can come is that if I was't so pissed of that she was demeaning the man I love I would be livid that she is demeaning me by proxy."
She had me doubting myself, if it was true the way I felt about how she treated him. Stacy assured me that she sees it too. I know Will sees it. The whole thing has caused a huge rift that I wish I could mend. I can't because I don't want to offer a hollow insenceer apoligy. The only way she said she was willing to change the way she treated him was not to acknowlege him at all. Yah, cause thats much better. Its so frusterating, and it almost derailed my six month goal.
Fuck her for not caring how she makes me feel.
Fuck her for not understanding.

8:17 p.m. - 07-13-04


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13