damik's Diaryland Diary


Oh ouchy

Oh, I'm going to be in such pain tomorrow. I was supposed to do six miles today, either I made it further, or I gimped and made it shorter, or hopefully I kept it the same, but I changed my course mid-run. On the route I had planned there was a hill I knew I couldn't do, I started out stronger then I should have, I wanted to go faster do better then last week. But I just died. So I changed the course, and now I don't really know how far I really ran.
I was hoping to be able to talk to Trevor after my run, but he had gone to bed. I'm not really sure what to do, I don't even know if I should really climb into bed with him. I don't know what we are doing.

8:31 p.m. - 04-14-02


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13