damik's Diaryland Diary


Goodnight Salt Lake

Ah, what a night. If I was still feeling as depressed it would have been a great final hurrah. Now though I have to consider if my level of depression warrents suicide. It doesn't seem so endless so I should at least wait untill tomorrow right? But I'm getting off the subject, I had a fun night.
All manor of debautchary and fornication, it rocked.
I started the night debating weather I should go to bed at 8:30pm, or go to the club. The main thing that was giving me pause is that I didn't want to see Colin and Coleen, have I mentioned Coleen? She's Colin's new girlfriend, apperently it was only to soon after his devorce to get involved with me. But I'm just going to let it pass. The thing was last time I was there on a Wensday and he came in with her he promptly left, and I felt bad that maybe it was my fault. I mean it was his club before it was mine, I don't want to be the one to make him uncomfortable.
Anyway, back to depression, stupid thoughts, and wondering if I should go out.
I figured I would heed my mother's advice, (that's right, gasp, Danie's listening to her mother) go out just have fun, and not be looking for soneone. So I did, over looking the desire to be laid. I listened to the music and was having an all around good time.
I had put the being thrown up on thing behind me, I let go of feeling dumb for locking myself out of my still running car. I was ready to just enjoy the music and myself. I had even stopped scanning the bar for someone to join me. When the piano players took their break I ran to my car to try and find my phone. I was going through with drawles. On my way out I ran into the guy of the doodle analisis and his friend. When I failed to find my phone I came back inside and joined them. I tried my first Komikozie, wasn't so bad. Then we all decided to pack it in and go to the strip club.
I had never been to a strip club, Trever talked about us going all the time, but I don't think he could have actully...
I got to slap a striper's ass, and tried unsucessfully to put a dollar in her bra with my teeth.
I need to come up with a worthy psydonym for doodle guy, and his friend, but I can't think today. I guess I looked good last night. They both kept giving me the apraising looks and the sharp inhale of breath with the shaking head. And I smiled and I laughed and I had a good time, but I think that Tom (Doodle guy's new name) and I hurt his friend, Keith's, feelings. Tom started kissing me and we both sat in the back of the car making Keith feel like a chuaffer. Rude aren't we.
After the strip club I ended up going to Tom's house, but he's not allowed to have girls over.
Ok, how old are we?
He lives with his Grandma and she'd kick him out or some shit, so I got to experence for the first time the joy of sneaking out of a guys house, jumping off the roof, and biffing it hard on the gravel below.
Now I go to the pre-school with three hours of sleep, but totally satisfied. And a sharp pain in my sholder.

8:00 a.m. - 04-03-03


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

Intrusive - 3:31 p.m. , 09-12-13

It isn't working today. - 2:21 p.m. , 09-09-13

Sleep, SI, Stress, and Pain, yeah, I hit them all. - 4:46 p.m. , 08-09-13

I hate this game. I don't want to play anymore. - 2:59 p.m. , 05-29-13