damik's Diaryland Diary


What Do I Believe?

March Misanthropic Topic:
What do you believe? Who or what do you believe in?

I'll start out by answering this question with what I don't believe in. I've stated before, but I don't believe in organized religion. Maybe for the most part they started out with a good idea, but with time and power they became corrupt and bigoted. If religions of today still held true to the principles they started with they would hardly be recognized as the same religion.
I believe in God, and I believe in forgiveness. I just don't believe they can be found only within the stony walls of a church.
It kind of goes back to the screaming snow... How could there not be a God when something as quiet and tranquil as snow is screaming? I believe if you look to the beauty of this world, if you cherish your neighbor and fellow man, if you can feel Him in ever breath of the wind, in every cloud in the sky, then you know God better then any religion can teach you. More honestly, too. Because the message can't be interpreted wrong that way.

9:44 a.m. - 03-30-02


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When. I called when! - 11:27 p.m. , 10-07-13

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